ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care, Accreditation Consultation
Extended Unit CPE: 6-month unit with varied start dates
Summer Intensive Unit: early June- Mid-August
Residency Program CPE: One-year program consisting of four consecutive 12-week CPE Units
Second-Year Residency CPE: One-year program consisting of four consecutive 12-week CPE units for students who have completed a first-year residency program and are interested in continuing in CPE to receive specialty experience
Outcomes 1A-2B CPE, formally known as ACPE Level I and Level II Outcomes.
Foundations CPE programs are designed to provide foundational learning in pastoral formation, reflection, and competence. Oftentimes, ministers have answered a call to serve God’s people, yet lack the basic ministerial skill sets to become effective spiritual care providers. Foundations CPE Center, LLC aims to equip students (clergy, laypersons, and others interested in ministry) with spiritual care skills that are not always taught in seminary or Divinity Schools curriculum. CPE is an experiential, and introspective program that equips participants with vital skills in the Art of Spiritual Care to care for others in diverse ministry contexts.
Chaplains and student do ministry in a variety of context. Spiritual care takes place in every setting to support people in need, both inside and outside the walls of the church/synagogue/mosque/temple/cathedral. Everyone needs support, care, and compassion at different periods in life. The healing process is a journey towards wholeness. As Spiritual Care Practitioners, the potential for students to learn the Art of Spiritual Care in diverse environments is unending. If you can imagine doing ministry in a setting, we will work to help support your dream.
Hospital Placement
Long-term Care Facility
Rehabilitation Care Facility
Hospice and Palliative Care
Retirement Center
Police Department
Fire Department
School District
Pregnancy Crisis Center
Homeless Shelter
Soup Kitchen
Foundations CPE programs aim to provide rudimentary spiritual care skills while also facilitating learning on issues of social justice in spiritual care. The curricular focus builds learners’ awareness of systemic issues of injustice toward minority populations and enhances learners’ cultural humility and cultural competence. Through a variety of educational methodologies, Foundations CPE’s curriculum challenges program participants to recognize oppression and to learn how to advocate for equality-equity.
for extended units, summer intensive, residency program, and second-year residency program
Mental Health and Spiritual Care: Being an Effective Practitioner
Trauma-Informed Spiritual Care
Suicide Prevention, Awareness, and Postvention
Veteran Care
Family Systems Theory
Antiracism in Spiritual Care
Cultural Competency and Humility: Why You Need to Know about Marginalization in Spiritual Care
Chaplain Board Certification Consultation
Preparation for Ordination and/or Endorsement Consultation
Medicaid Pass-Through Consultation
Life Coaching Skills
Welcoming Others
Speaking Engagements on:
How to become a professional Board-Certified Chaplain
The Interconnectedness of Spiritual Care and Mental Health
Family Systems Theory: Everywhere You Go, There You Are
“Welcoming People with Serious Mental Illness”